
  • Youtube channel - The makers point video channel link including a video to demonstrate the SimTrim software and another to show trim wheel pro working in MSFS
  • SimTrim Software – Freeware desktop Windows 10/11 software to help synchronise your analogue trim wheel state and adjust sensitivity with MSFS.
    Note: Downloading and installing this software will show smartscreen warnings about its validity. I am aware of this and am working on a fix. For now I can assure you that you are safe to install so please ignore the smartscreen warnings. Click 'more info' and 'Run Anyway' when smartscreen shows.
  • Printables TWP model - The free 3D printable model file for the Makers Point Trim Wheel Pro
  • Printables Octavi / Streamdeck Holder / Bracket - Free 3D printable bracket / holder to be mounted on the Honeycomb / Logitech devices
  • Makers Point Trim Wheel Pro Code - A short source file of the default firmware used for TWP. Please ask on discord if you run into issues
  • How to change the HID name of TWP - Information on changing the name of your TWP device in Windows so that it appears as ‘ Trim Wheel Pro in your USB device list
  • TWP Assembly guide (HTML) – HTML version of the Trim Wheel Pro assembly guide
  • TWP Assembly guide (PDF) – Downloadable PDF alternative to the TWP assembly guide

As a quick reminder and a cheeky prompt, this is all free but a small donation would mean the world to me. Even just $5 would be very much appreciated, shows your interest and support, and you will be supporting further development. It's super easy to donate with the following button, and relatively painless. Thanks.